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Your positon: Home > Products - Motor series - Explosion series of axial fans |
BTS-explosion-proof fans shaking their heads |
Description : |
 BTS-explosion-proof fans to shake their heads with Type II A, B level, temperature groups T1-T4 group of flammable gas and air mixture formation of explosive gas, the regional division of 1, 2 District places such as: oil, Industry, chemical industry, machinery, pharmaceutical, metallurgical industries of the workshops, warehouses, offices, gas stations, etc. The Fangshuxiangwen. The explosion-proof products with performance GC3836.1-2000 "explosive gas environment with electrical equipment Part 1 General requirements" and GB3836.2-2000 "explosive gas environment with electrical equipment Part 2 flameproof" d "" requirements. Feng Ye made use of high-strength aluminum alloy.
